Rudolph Rosen will give an education technology workshop for K-12 teachers at the Welder Wildlife Foundation on July 19, 2012. Educators will learn ways to utilize mobile technology (smart phones and pads) in the classroom and outdoors. Click here to see more information about the workshop. Contact Liz Bates to register or for more information. […]
Educational Video to Help Kick-Off New Multi-Media Water Science Display in Discovery Hall
New videos are being produced featuring the aquatic resources and researchers of Spring Lake, at the headwaters of the San Marcos River. Educational videos will be among new features to be displayed on multi-media screens and on educational touch screens in Discovery Hall at the Texas Rivers Center on the campus of Texas State University. […]
Ewing Halsell Foundation, Meadows Center, Rudolph Rosen, STEM, Video, Water EducationNew Mobile Technology App Now Under Development by H2O for Outdoor STEM Education in Areas Without Mobile Device Connectivity
Student experiential education outdoors inTexas’ watersheds can be enhanced by targeted use of mobile devices such as smartphones and pads. Students can access information to augment their outdoors experience or use the devices to store information about the outdoors experience that can be used later in classroom or after-school learning, thus extending the outdoors experience. […]
Ewing Halsell Foundation, Meadows Center, Rudolph Rosen, STEM, Technology, Water EducationYouth Education is the Key to Creating Future Scientists by Rudy Rosen
H2O, the Harte Research Institute and River Systems Institute: Partners in STEM Education and Building Tomorrow’s Conservation-Minded Citizens by Rudolph Rosen, Ph.D. Research Professor, Texas State University, River Systems Institute The Harte Research Institute (HRI) and River Systems Institute (RSI) are cooperators in H2O’s breakthrough K-12 education projects. Both institutions are young major centers of […]
Aquatic Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Rudolph Rosen, STEMIntegration of Mobile Technology into K-12 Outdoors Experiential Education: Practical Application, by Rudolph Rosen
Integration of Mobile Technology into K-12 Outdoors Experiential Education: Practical Application for H2O (Headwaters to Ocean) by Rudolph Rosen, Ph.D. Research Professor, Texas State University, River Systems Institute For many K-12 teachers, the computer has become a familiar tool. No longer seen as a mysterious “black box” of science and engineering wonder, computers are now […]
Ewing Halsell Foundation, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Rudolph Rosen, STEM, TechnologyWater Quality Grant Proposal Submitted
The Harte Research Institute and River Systems Institute recently submitted a proposal to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Integrated Water Quality Program for a grant under USDA’s Integrated Research, Education, and Extension Competitive Grants Program. The USDA expects to issue a single grant, under the nationwide grant program. The proposed $2.5 million USDA project […]
Aquatic Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, H2O, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Rudolph Rosen, STEM, waterWater Science Education Report Issued for Texas
Fulfillment Report to Ewing Halsell Foundation was Recently Issued by H2O Project Partners In May 2010 the Ewing Halsell Foundation granted funds to the Harte Research Institute and River Systems Institute to devise a novel experiential, technology enhanced education program focused on water and watersheds, from the headwaters to the ocean. A project report and […]
Aquatic Education, Aquatic Science, Environment, Ewing Halsell Foundation, H2O, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudolph Rosen, STEM, Teacher Training, Water Education, Water TechnologyTeachers workshop set for July 13th
The first teacher workshop to be supported through a new partnership between H2O and the Texas Stream Team will be held in July in Corpus Christi. This one day hands-on instruction to be held outside in the Oso Bay watershed will cover water quality sampling, outreach resources for students, and analysis of watershed information. Data […]
Aquatic Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Rudolph Rosen, STEM