Aquatic Science Video Lessons by Dr. Rudy Rosen is featured on the Website VideoClass.
Aquatic science video lessons previously available only through, You Tube and can now be seen on
According to the creators of Our mission is to create a community where teachers and students alike can find comfort and use of tools to better their knowledge. We welcome our students to not only find lessons to help them better understand the material they are learning in school, but to explore new subjects and learn something that interests them. VideoClass wants to provide a safe environment for students, so parents will feel confident in letting their child go through our website. We invite all educators to create lessons not only for our community but to offer the organization of VideoClass to use in their classrooms. VideoClass prides itself on its honest interest in sharing knowledge and to better educate the world through the VideoClass knowledge sharing community with the ease of modern day technology. We invite all educators, tutors, and students alike to join our community!
Please enjoy this new avenue to share the wonders of aquatic science to learners of any age.
Texas Aquatic Science includes the Texas Aquatic Science curriculum textbook, teacher guide and activities, aquatic science videos, on-line lessons, and curriculum website.
Texas Aquatic Science is a comprehensive curriculum for water and aquatic science studies for middle and high school use, plus application at the university level for non science majors. The curriculum consists of a textbook in hard copy and fully on line, a massive teachers resource and activity guide that includes assessments, specially produced aquatic science video, and 220 online video lessons all fully aligned with Texas teaching standards. It’s become the top-ranked curriculum and source for information on aquatic science on the internet today.
Students and adult learners may navigate the online student portal. For teachers, the Teachers Guide is loaded with science investigations, games, models, cooperative learning activities, Internet projects, readings from the student guides, short aquatic science video, science journals, and field based assessments of water quality and environmental conditions in a variety of field trips. Most time is spent doing hands on activities from the Teacher Guide, over 700 pages of TEKS aligned, hands-on activities designed to engage all learners and all learner types. Lessons in each chapter begin with an activity to allow the teacher to assess what students know about the concepts to be studied. Lessons embed higher order thinking skills, provide depth and complexity of learning, and provide a wide variety of hands-on activities that engage students in many contexts and methods. Each lesson includes an opportunity for students to apply what they have learned by synthesizing the information and demonstrating their learning by developing creative products or performances.