Texas Aquatic Science receives award for Education and Outreach from the national Association for Conservation Information.
At it’s 2014 annual conference held in Nebraska City, the Association for Conservation Information honored the authors and partners of Texas Aquatic Science. The award was directed at the Texas Aquatic Science Website and the Teachers Guide. The award was 2nd place in the category Education and Outreach.
The website can be viewed at this link: http://texasaquaticscience.org/
Dr. Sandra Johnson authored the Teachers Guide. Dr. Rudolph Rosen designed and built the Texas Aquatic Science Website, and also authored the textbook upon which the website is based. Randall Maxwell produced the videos that are available for viewing on the Texas Aquatic Science Website. The teachers guide can be downloaded from here: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/publications/learning/aquaticscience/
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Texas Aquatic Science is a cooperative education project sponsored by Texas Parks and Wildlife, The Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, and The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment at Texas State University. Texas Aquatic Science was modeled after and some content drawn directly from the Missouri Department of Conservation‘s (MDC) curriculum, Conserving Missouri’s Aquatic Ecosystems.
Project Directors were Rudolph Rosen and Nancy Herron. Texas Aquatic Science was authored, adapted, and edited by Rudolph Rosen, Ph.D., who also designed the Texas Aquatic Science web site. Sandra Johnson, Ph.D. served as educational consultant and authored the accompanying Teacher Guide. Videos were produced by Randall Maxwell. Nancy Herron, Outreach and Education Director for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, provided leadership direction and review of the text and scripts, and Caleb Harris, TPWD aquatic education specialist, provided primary review of the educational content. Wes Tunnell, Ph.D., Associate Director of the Harte Research Institute provided special assistance on marine ecosystem science.