Texas Aquatic Science was featured at the XVIth World Water Congress held in Cancun, Mexico in June 2017. With the theme “Bridging Science and Policy” the World Water Congress was jointly held by the International Water Resources Association, the National Water Commission of Mexico and the National Association of Water and Sanitation Utilities. Dr. Rudolph […]
Workshops Classroom & Outdoor Education

Texas Parks and Wildlife Announces Summer 2016 Workshops for Teaching Aquatic Science – Classroom and Outdoor Education For all science teachers at grades 6-8, High School Aquatic Science and High School Environmental Science, there are three Texas Aquatic Science workshops scheduled for this summer. If you can’t attend, please pass along to a co-worker. All […]
Aquatic Education, Aquatic Science, Austin, Dallas, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Experiential Education, H2O, Houston, Outdoor Education, Rudolph Rosen, Rudy Rosen, STEM, Teacher Training, Texas Aquatic Science, Water Education, Water ScienceAquatic Science Research at Student Meet

Texas Aquatic Science Research and Pathway for Education was the Keynote Presentation at the 2nd Annual Student Research Symposium at Texas A&M University in San Antonio Empowering Tomorrow’s Water Science Savvy Citizens: A Formula for Success in Delivering Experiential Technology-Enhanced STEM Education (about Water) was the title of the keynote presentation by Dr. Rudolph Rosen […]
Aquatic Education, Aquatic Science, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Experiential Education, H2O, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudolph Rosen, Rudy Rosen, San Antonio, STEM, Texas A&M San Antonio, Texas Aquatic Science, water, Water Education, Water ScienceAquatic Science Education at Forum
Historic Education Forum on PK-12 Brings Leaders from San Antonio Together – Texas Aquatic Science Education Among Initiatives Present Texas Aquatic Science education curricula and experiential activities were featured at a PK-12 education forum held on April 21, 2016 in San Antonio. Along with other important education initiatives active in the San Antonio region, Texas […]
Aquatic Education, Aquatic Science, Aquatic Science Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Experiential Education, H2O, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudolph Rosen, Rudy Rosen, San Antonio, STEM, Teaching, Texas State University, Water EducationAquatic Sciences Featured at Confluence

Teachers and high school students will get a chance to learn about Texas Aquatic Sciences at the San Antonio Water System’s 2016 Confluence. To be held February 9th in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Confluence will bring together over 800 science students from throughout San Antonio who will have a chance to learn about […]
Aquatic Education, Aquatic Science, Experiential Education, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudolph Rosen, Rudy Rosen, San Antonio, STEM, Texas Aquatic Science, Water Education, Water Science, Water TechnologyTexas Aquatic Science Certified Field Site Named

Meadows Center for Water and the Environment at Texas State University is the first informal education center to be named a Texas Aquatic Science Certified Field Site. SAN MARCOS, TEXAS – January 8, 2016 – Texas Aquatic Science Certified Field Site locations receive certification from Texas Parks and Wildlife. With the support of the Informal […]
Aquatic Education, Aquatic Science, Aquatic Science Certified Field Site, Certified Field Site, H2O, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudolph Rosen, Rudy Rosen, STEM, Texas Aquatic Science, Texas State University, Water EducationAquatic Science Instructors Meet at Birdville ISD for Workshop
Aquatic Science workshop a success for Dallas-Fort Worth science teachers. Aquatic science was the STEM theme for teachers at Birdville ISD on August 20th. Covering how to use Texas Aquatic Science to meet Texas’ science education standards, former school principal and director of Texas Parks and Wildlife’s aquatic education program, Johnnie Smith led educators through […]
Aquatic Education, Aquatic Science, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudolph Rosen, STEM, Teacher Training, TPWD, water, Water EducationAquatic Science Curriculum Research to Improve STEM Water Education
Texas Aquatic Science by H2O – Headwaters to Ocean – receives new research grant from Ewing Halsell Foundation Project work funded by a generous grant by the Ewing Halsell Foundation to the Meadow Center for Water and the Environment (Meadows Center) will enhance experiential learning about water. This will take place through expanded and improved […]
Aquatic Education, Aquatic Science, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Experiential Education, Fundraising, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudolph Rosen, Rudy Rosen, Teacher Training, TPWD, Water Education, Water ScienceWater Science Video Lessons With Dr Rudy Rosen
Aquatic Science Videos Now Available Aquatic Science Lessons with Dr. Rudy Rosen is an on-line video curriculum arranged into 13 lessons in YouTube Playlists. Each lesson covers a major subject area and is broken down into short sub-topic video presentations. These short videos covering important aquatic science topics can be used in teaching instruction or […]
Aquatic Education, Aquatic Science, Aquatic Science Video, Environment, Experiential Education, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudolph Rosen, Rudy Rosen, Science Education, STEM, STEM Video, Teacher Training, water, Water Education, Water VideoAquatic Science Education Pathway Featured at International Summit
Technology Summit Looks at Influence of Tech on Outdoor Education On April 7, 2015 the Technology and Nature Summit took a first-ever look at the way technology has influenced children’s interaction with the natural environment in an education setting. The conference agenda can be downloaded here. Tech In (and Outside) the Classroom: An Aquatic Science […]
Aquatic Education, Aquatic Science, Experiential Education, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudolph Rosen, STEM, Technology, Texas State University, water, Water Education, Water Tech, Water TechnologyProposals Implement H2O Advances in STEM Water Education

Funding sought to improve learning about water using new education tools In May 2010 the Ewing Halsell Foundation granted funds to the Harte Research Institute (HRI) and the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment (Meadows Center) to devise novel experiential, technology-enhanced ways to improve water education for students and teachers, from Texas’ headwaters to […]
Aquatic Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Experiential Education, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudy Rosen, STEM, Water EducationTexas Aquatic Science Textbook on iTunes
iTunes University Features Aquatic Science Videos Videos by famed nature film producer Randall Maxwell accompany the new Texas Aquatic Science textbook and Teacher Guide. These videos are now available on iTunes University. Videos take the viewer through each chapter of Texas Aquatic Science. Visit the videos on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/texas-aquatic-science/id738433069?mt=10 Video list: Chapter 1. Water is […]
Aquatic Education, Aquatic Science, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudolph Rosen, STEM, TPWDAquatic Science Textbook and Teacher Guide Across the Web

H2O and Texas Parks and Wildlife Partnership Aquatic Education Guide for Middle and High School Students Spreads Across the Internet In just a few weeks after announcing availability of Texas Aquatic Science it has begun appearing across the web. Here are a few examples: iTunes University: https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/texas-aquatic-science/id738433069?mt=10 Trinity Waters: http://trinitywaters.org/landowner-library/education/youth-conservation-education/ The Texas Tribune: http://www.texastribune.org/2013/09/10/new-curriculum-available-teaching-aquatic-science/ Lake […]
Aquatic Education, Aquatic Science, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Experiential Education, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudolph Rosen, STEMResearch Shows Experiential Education on Water Works — UPDATE
Experiential education research at watershed locations and visits to science centers, such as to the San Marcos River (Aquarena) headwaters discovery center, provide exciting experiential learning opportunities for students. Soon to be published research results by H2O project co-director, Andrew Sansom, show experiential education at the headwaters works for students and teachers. Most students’ understanding […]
Aquatic Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Experiential Education, H2O, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudolph RoseniPad – iPhone Aquarena STEM Education App now at iTunes Store
App for Aquarena Education now available free. To get the App go to the iTunes App Store and search for “Aquarena.” Or, come visit the springs and download the App on site. http://www.aquarena.txstate.edu/ See the App in iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/aquarena/id594300970?mt=8 The “Aquarena” App was developed for use in outdoor water education at Aquarena Springs, at […]
Aquarena, Aquatic Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, iPad, Meadows Center, Outdoor Education, Rudolph Rosen, STEM, Technology, Texas State University