Have you ever seen inside an aquifer? Jennifer Idol has.
Not only has she seen inside an aquifer, she has gone deep inside and captured breathtaking images to show the world.
A look at this exciting hidden underwater ecosystem will be shown, along with images and descriptions of all Texas’ aquatic ecosystems, in new textbooks, teacher’s guides, and videos for Texas’ high school students. Aligned with Texas’ teaching standards, these new teaching materials feature experience-based learning exercises and dozens of teaching enhancements.
Trying to explain an aquifer to students who have never even heard of an aquifer, let alone seen inside one has now been made possible thanks to Jennifer’s help. Aquatic Science Education Guides for Texas’ Students and Teachers will include some of her most stunning and challenging work.
To learn more about Jennifer, The Underwater Designer, check out her links:
To learn more about Aquatic Science Education Guides for Texas’ Students and Teachers go to: http://www.aquaticedguides.org/
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Aquatic science education guides is a cooperative project sponsored by Texas Parks and Wildlife, The Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment at Texas State University and funding partner, the Ewing Halsell Foundation which supports the project H2O. H2O is an experiential, technology-enhanced education program focused on water, from headwaters to the ocean (https://water-texas.org)