Dr. Sandra Johnson is tapped to oversee teacher guide and student activity development for the Aquatic Science Education Guides for Texas. SANDRA JOHNSON PH.D. is an educational consultant who specializes in curriculum writing and alignment with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). In addition, she is a professional development specialist for teachers in science. […]
Meadows Center’s Rudy Rosen to Author Aquatic Science Guides
Headwaters to Ocean’s (H2O) Dr. Rudy Rosen will author new Aquatic Science Education Guides for Texas. RUDOLPH “RUDY” ROSEN, Ph.D., is a research professor at The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, Texas State University and a Research Associate at the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. He is […]
Aquatic Education, Aquatic Science, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Fundraising, H2O, Meadows Center, Rudolph Rosen, Rudy Rosen, STEM, Texas State University, TPWDHarte Research Institute and H2O enter environmental education partnership with Hamline University’s Center for Global Environmental Education (CGEE) and the International Crane Foundation (ICF).
A major H2O partnership will involve HRI, CGEE, and ICF in developing a world-class Gulf of Mexico teaching and education unit, fully integrated with online resources and use of technology. Educational content for teachers and students will be based on a proven educational model pioneered by CGEE in order to meet standards-based STEM content for […]
Aquatic Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Experiential Education, Harte Research Institute, Rudy Rosen, STEMResearch Education – First Look
The San Marcos Springs give rise to the San Marcos River and are home to several endangered and sensitive species, including wild rice. Researchers at Texas State University are evaluating specific in-stream conditions that favor growth of rice. Computer modeling of micro flows in the river, specific locations of rice, impacts of drought, inputs of sediment, […]
Ewing Halsell Foundation, Experiential Education, Meadows Center, Rudy Rosen, STEM, TechnologyTexas Rivers Center STEM Education Discovery Room Enhancement Underway

The Texas Rivers Center’s Discovery Room for youth and adult water education must serve multiple purposes during Spring Lake peninsula’s restoration period and beyond. Visitor traffic in the Discovery Room has increased since Aquarena was closed and the Discovery Room’s facilities and displays must accommodate, educate, and entertain more visitors than ever before. The Discovery […]
Ewing Halsell Foundation, Experiential Education, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Rudy Rosen, STEM, TechnologyHarte Research Institute and Center for Coastal Studies, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Focus on Integration of Mobile Technology for Bays and Estuaries Student Field Studies

A key H2O project partner providing student access toTexas’ gulf bay and estuary educational opportunities is the Aquatic Education Program (AEP) at TAMU-CC’s Center for Coastal Studies. The AEP has been in existence for almost two decades and began as a partnership between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Corpus Christi Ecological Field Office and […]
Ewing Halsell Foundation, Experiential Education, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Rudy Rosen, STEM, TechnologyH2O Partner, River Systems Institute, to enhance outdoor STEM education opportunities for students at Spring Lake, headwaters of the San Marcos River

Restoration of the Spring Lake peninsula at the headwaters of the San Marcos River has dramatically changed the site’s outside creative education-play scenario and access to open spaces for school groups. To maintain and increase the educational school group tours, new programs are being developed, prototyped, and tested with support of the H2O project. Improvements […]
Aquatic Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Experiential Education, Meadows Center, Rudy Rosen, STEMPrototype STEM Education Technology for Texas Rivers Center Unveiled
Youth and Adult Water Science Education for the 21st Century by Rudolph Rosen, Ph.D. Educational exhibits designed for today’s visitors and students rely heavily on technology. Technology enhanced exhibits generate added excitement for visitors and can deliver large amounts of information in a small space, reducing space requirements and overhead costs. They also provide flexibility […]
Aquatic Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, Meadows Center, Rudy Rosen, STEM, Technology“Star” Corpus Christi area teachers interviewed for appearance in new “bays, and estuaries” Teaching with the Stars, training video and STEM curricula funded by H2O and supported by the Harte Research Institute.

Selected teaching stars from schools in theCorpus Christiarea will be featured in new comprehensive teacher training videos and curricula onTexas’ bays and estuaries. Production of video and curricula will be through the highly-acclaimed “Teaching with the Stars” project of the Gilbert M. Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education, Texas State University, supported by the Ewing Halsell […]
Aquatic Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, H2O, Meadows Center, Rudy Rosen, STEM, VideoH2O submits student and teacher outdoor water education grant request to EPA

H2O and the River Systems Institute recently submitted a proposal to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Gulf of Mexico Program Office for a grant under EPA’s Gulf of Mexico Regional Partnerships Grants Program. The proposed $305,000 project will provide experiential bay, estuary and freshwater education activities and service learning opportunities for middle school […]
Aquatic Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, H2O, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Rudy Rosen, STEMSTEM Water Centers Feature Technology Education Test Bed

Key features of H2O are the development of educational activities that foster critical thinking and use of advanced technologies to maintain the attention of today’s students. While one of the most exciting features of this approach is integration of technology into outdoor hands-on learning about watersheds, H2O also will employ an indoor learning component at […]
Aquatic Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, H2O, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Rudy Rosen, STEMOysters provide backdrop to H2O’s advanced teaching techniques

The Gilbert M. Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education, in partnership with H2O and funded by a grant from the Ewing Halsell Foundation, is focusing on the oyster as Mother Nature’s water treatment plant in our bays and estuaries. Oysters filter sediments and other matter from the water of bays and estuaries, keeping the water clean. […]
Ewing Halsell Foundation, H2O, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Rudy Rosen, STEMH2O delivers hands-on STEM water education to teachers

A teacher workshop supported through H2O and the Texas Stream Team was held in July in Corpus Christi. During the training, Texas Stream Team instructed seventeen teachers in core water quality and bacteria monitoring. This took place at the Texas A&M Corpus Christi campus and was coordinated by the H2O Project. The majority of attendees […]
Aquatic Education, Ewing Halsell Foundation, H2O, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Rudy Rosen, STEM, TeachingH2O to help students develop STEM skills

In addition to basic learning about watersheds and the role of people in protecting water resources, H2O is being designed by science educators to help young students better understand the world around them and inspire them to pursue careers in science, technology, mathematics and engineering. These are the so-called STEM subjects that have been the […]
Aquatic Science, Ewing Halsell Foundation, H2O, Harte Research Institute, Meadows Center, Rudy Rosen, STEMStar search underway for teachers to appear in video

H2O cooperator Richard Boehm, Ph.D., Director of the Grosvenor Center, often talks of the educational value of video and other instruction focused on teaching teachers. One of the best ways to use video in instruction, according to Dr. Boehm, is to have superstar teachers appearing in the videos, along with real classes conducting real activities. […]
Aquatic Education, Rudy Rosen, STEM, Video, Water Education